for a Changing Market

Real Estate Consulting
Transforming the Real Estate Industry
The real estate industry is essential for the Republic of Austria, the European Union as well as the United States. It is an important component for the strength and growth of the economy and provides society with living and working spaces.
A Market in Constant Motion
There is a lot of movement in the real estate market: Demand for properties continues to rise, user requirements and needs are becoming more complex, existing properties of all types of use must be managed professionally and efficiently, return expectations remain ambitious, and the requirements for the sustainability of real estate portfolios are increasing rapidly.
Strategic Solutions for a Changing Industry
Together with our customers, we develop strategies and suitable business models with the aim of positioning their real estate management in the best way possible. In particular, we focus on organizational and process-related changes resulting from digitalization, regulations and ESG matters.
Our promise

Absolute Professionalism
With our comprehensive expertise, we are able to provide advice and support on all matters relating to property management and real estate as an asset class.

Years of experience
Our Real Estate Consulting division has existed for more than 12 years, making it a top professional real estate management consultancy.

Extensive network
With more than 50 real estate experts within our network in Austria, we can draw on a broad basis of expertise and are able to act at all times.

Our Approach
We advise our clients within a worldwide network and experienced national interdisciplinary teams. We offer holistic solutions on a global and local level and comprehensive expertise in all types of use from residential, office, and retail throughout to real estate operators and specialists.
As the real estate industry becomes increasingly dynamic, demands for transparency and efficiency in the management of real estate assets are rising. In particular, the request for clarity and comprehensibility is becoming more stringent for investors, owners, users, and lenders.
Real estate companies must meet these demands in order to adapt their planning and control, management concepts, organization, processes, and systems, purchasing strategies, and personnel to these requirements. By doing so, they can offer market-oriented and competitive services and strengthen their competencies.
Our Services at a Glance
- Strategy and Organization Consulting
- Digital Real Estate
- Project Management
- ESG & Sustainability
- Risk & Compliance
Strategy and Organization Consulting
With our experience from a wide range of industries, we are ideally positioned to advise our clients on strategy and organizational issues related to real estate management. Among others, this includes the following services:
- Development of tailored real estate strategies
- Development of a fund, investment, and sales strategy
- Advice regarding new markets, products and trends
- Organizational and process consulting (including reorganization and outsourcing)
- Optimization of portfolio management
- Consulting on property management & facility management services and contracts
Digital Real Estate
In the area of Digital Real Estate, our consulting services are holistic and encompass the entire life cycle of real estate, which includes the following consulting services:
- Assessment of the digital status quo as well as the possibilities for the use of new technologies.
- Screening and selection of complementary ProTech and ConTech solutions to meet individual customer requirements.
Project Management
Our world is becoming increasingly complex and, especially in large transformation projects, a great number of service providers are involved to achieve the best possible results.
The coordination of the different work areas and sub-projects as well as the neutral view on the interdependencies is often not compatible with the daily business of our customers. With our experience, especially in the field of implementation and construction supervision, we act as a connector to manage your project in such a way that risks are limited, opportunities are exploited and project goals are achieved qualitatively, on time and within the budget.
ESG & Sustainability
Sustainability is no longer a new trend as it has reached all industries and sectors, including the real estate industry. In particular, the real estate sector is nowadays a significant driver of CO2 emissions and thus a major lever to achieve the goals set by the federal government.
To overcome these challenges, we support our customers to create transparency in this complex structure and give tailored advice – including the definition and implementation of regulatory requirements.
Risk & Compliance
The demands on risk management of capital management companies have been significantly increased due to the introduction of various new regulations. Since then, we have been supporting our clients and offering solutions for:
- Development and optimization of risk strategy
- Analysis and optimization of existing risk management systems
Our customer groups
at a glance

- Residential construction and real estate companies
- Corporate real estate
- Alternative asset managers
- Capital management companies
- Project developers of real estate and infrastructure
- Facility management and property management service providers